Wednesday, May 14, 2014

1988 - Superman's 50th Anniversary Time Magazine Cover

From the ByrneRobotics messages board in 2004:
"I don't recall what I was paid for that TIME cover. I have done the best I can to blot most of that experience out of my mind. Just about everything that could have gone wrong went wrong -- including the cover been featured later than it was supposed to be an so blowing all the hype. 
"The worst part was that the art director at TIME decided he knew more about what comics look and read like than, you know, people who do comics for a living, and so added that godwaful word balloon to the cover, which not only has some of the worst lettering I have ever seen, but also has Superman referring to his "supernatural" powers.


  1. Remember this one, too! (sorry, just posted on the Cap cover over at the other blog). Didn't buy this, 'cause it was delivered to our house, but probably would have if I'd seen it. The word balloons didn't bother me at the time, but I can see why JB would've been annoyed.

    Thanks for posting this one, too!

  2. I think I saved this issue. Despite what Byrne says, I thought it was fun at the time. The inside illustrations, too.
