Thursday, June 13, 2013

Man of Steel Week - Favourite Superman Splash Pages from the 1980s

And you have to guess the issues!


  1. I only bought the Byrne Superman issues, so my guesses starting from the fifth splash are, from memory:

    5. Superman #8
    7. Superman #4
    8. Superman #5
    9. Superman #10 (always loved this issue!)
    10. Superman #14
    11. Man of Steel #1
    12. Man of Steel #3
    13. Man of Steel #6

    That first one's Silver Banshee, but I'd drifted away by then, so I don't know if that's from Action Comics or Superman...

    Great selection of splash pages, by the way! Thanks for posting 'em!

  2. Hey David, thanks for the comment. I'll add the answers tonight!

  3. Here you go!

    1- Action Comics #595
    2- Adventures Of Superman #426
    3- Adventures Of Superman #440
    4- Adventures Of Superman #450
    5- Superman #8
    6- Superman #28
    7- Superman #4
    8- Superman #5
    9- Superman #10
    10- Superman #14
    11- Man of Steel #1
    12- Man of Steel #3
    13- Man of Steel #6
